Hubschrauber Fotos (Sammelthread) 2024

Diskutiere Hubschrauber Fotos (Sammelthread) 2024 im Hubschrauberforum Forum im Bereich Luftfahrzeuge; The last time I was on Ft Hood was October 1987. So I imagine a few things have changed.... From what I understand they renamed everything at...


Dabei seit
Nice and very interesting pictures @BWDenver !
What "Robert Gray" did in 1974 the name of that airfield, before Killeen AAF,
At West Fort Hood.
At East at Hood AAF the is/was a south ramp where all the OH-58's were parked 10 years ago.

The last time I was on Ft Hood was October 1987. So I imagine a few things have changed....

From what I understand they renamed everything at Hood. It had the misfortune of being named after a not particularly successful Confederate General...

But it will always be Ft Hood to me and the folks that served there...


Dabei seit
CH-47C (Super C) sling QF-102 66-1161 Holloman AFB 8-Apr-81

When I got back form 4 months at AMOC, Aviation Maintenance Officer Course, in early 1981 I knew I needed a vacation from the Army, and was going to come off Active Duty and was looking for a "Day Job". I was looking for a post Army job and set my sights on "Mountain Exploration Flying", the downside was they would not even look at a pilot until he had 2000 Hrs. and I was just shy of that.

So when I got chance to head down to Ft Bliss and the Roving Sands Exercise I jumped on it. Unfortunately it likely cost me the relationship of the gal I was dating though. I had been gone for 4 months and was taking off for another month.

Anyway, I did a lot of flying. The CH-47C unit back at Sarson got tapped to sling a QF-102 drone that lost radio lock on takeoff and plopped back to the runway. After they stripped, the bird they decided to put it at Red Reo Range in the Northern White Sand Missile complex. I have the Mach meter on my desk. Had to take s souvenir.

I got the mission to fly TSGT Lancaster while he took shots. I brought my camera along and took some shots as well. They rigged the bird with a drag chute, but it got caught up on the main gear.

The camera ship, OH-58A 70-15377, had TSGT Allen Lancaster Holloman AFB in the left seat. Doors off.

Like a lot of the OH-58's 377 faded into history, along with the QF-102.

QF-102, Last flight White Sands Missile complex

On lift off the drag chute got caught up in the undercarriage or maybe the aft end of the Duse. It made for a real slow flight because anytime the got above 45 Kts the bird started wto sway back and forth. Not sure what the payload on a CH-47C was, probably around 25,000 Lb. but when you get a load that starts to fly it can be a problem.

After I came off active duty I spent two years flying Bell 206 BIII and Hughs 500D's. with a lot of 'long line" works. Sling loads on a 100' or more line. Every once in a while I would get a load that started to fly.
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Dabei seit
15.06.2024, in Emmen there were these 3 CH-47, 13-08435, 13-08432, unfortunately I could not identify the middle machine

It is slowly getting darker, later the engines were started, then turned off again. Presumably, they let the rain front on the Bürgenstock move away

Not a really usable picture, but for the documentation
Actually, it's a great shot of the IR Suppression stack on the back of the 714 Engines. Along with the tracks for the sand filters on the front of the engines.

Most current info I have is both the ID'ed birds belong to B/1-214th Avn at Ansbach, Germany.

Most of my tandem time was in CH-47D's with a little time in CH-47C's.

The block 2 birds (2020) are going to have the 715 engines, for a theoretical Gross weight of 69,900 Lb. But at that weight the range is pitifully short. With the 712 engines at liftoff empty and around 31,000 Lb we burned about a ton of fuel on both engines. At 50,000 it was a ton of fuel, per engine. With a bit over 1000 Gal in 6 tanks.

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