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18 Su-30MKM für Kuala Lumpur

Malaysia will buy 18 Sukhoi jetfighters from Russia in a deal estimated to be worth 900 million dollars, Defence Minister Najib Razak announced Monday. "We are happy to announce that Malaysia has agreed to buy 18 Sukhoi Su-30MKM aircraft," Najib told reporters after talks with his Russian counterpart Sergei Ivanov.

He said the original Su-30MK fighters would "modified in terms of technical applications to meet Malaysia's own requirements", and hence renamed Su-30MKM. The modifications included adding "suitable weaponry," he said. "Financial and technical talks have been held and an understanding has been achieved but there are still some formalities to be settled," he said, adding that a formal announcement would be made soon.

Ivanov said at press conference with Najib that the value of the contract was "tentatively 900 million dollars."

... "With the upcoming closure of the deal, this shows that Russia is ready for serious cooperation with Malaysia and will supply Malaysia with military technology and know-how."

Najib said the purchase for the Royal Malaysian Air Force formed part of Malaysia's military upgrading process. "We recognise the need to have multi-role combat aircraft and we have decided that the Sukhoi is a suitable aircraft to fulfill our requirements," he added.

Quelle: AFP
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Dabei seit
Nach meiner Kenntnis wollten die Malaysier zuerst 9 F/A-18E/F und 9 Su-30MKM kaufen.
Aber dann kam der Irakkrieg und aus Protest entschieden sich die Malaysier fuer 18 Su`s.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Dabei seit
Der Vertrag über die 18 Su-30MKM wurde am 05.08. von Putin besiegelt.

Putin Signs Deal with Malaysia to Provide Jet Fighters
(Source: Voice of America news issued Aug. 5, 2003)

BANGKOK --- Russian President Vladimir Putin is in Malaysia to cement an arms deal with the Malaysian government and further trade ties with Kuala Lumpur.

President Putin signed a $900 million deal Tuesday to sell 18 Sukhoi SU-30 M.K. warplanes to Malaysia.

Malaysia will finance the purchase through sales of palm oil.

Mr. Putin is on a two-day visit to Malaysia aimed at bolstering trade ties and to boost the export of technological know-how to Malaysia. Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad says his country is keen to acquire Russian expertise.

Malaysia is seeking more sophisticated combat arms systems. It has a shopping list that includes submarines from France, missile systems from Britain and Russia, and tanks from Poland. The Malaysian Air Force already has a mixture of aircraft from Britain, the United States, and Russia.

Mr. Putin is the first Russian leader to visit Malaysia in 35 years. Mr. Mahathir visited Moscow in March of last year.
Putin Personally Ensures $900M Sale of Jets in Malaysia
(Source: issued August 5, 2003 (Edited))

The most important outcome of Putin’s visit to Malaysia was the signing of a $900 million deal for the sale of Russia’s 18 Sukhoi-30MKM fighter jets.

On behalf of Russia the contract was signed by Sergei Chemezov, a senior manager of Rosoboronexport, the state-owned company, responsible for up to 88 per cent of all arms sales and on behalf of Malaysia by Hashim Meon, the general secretary of the Defence Ministry.

Malaysia will pay for the hardware in US dollars, not in palm oil, Sergei Chemezov told journalists in Kuala Lumpur before the ceremony, thus refuting speculations by some media that Malaysian authorities would pay for part of the supply in goods.

The fighter jets form part of a major arms procurement spree by Malaysia, including a 1.035 billion euros deal last year to buy three French submarines. Malaysian government has also ordered British and Russian missile systems worth 364 million dollars and 48 attack tanks worth 368 million dollars from Poland.

Analysts said Putin would use the trip to boost his country’s position in the Asian arms market. Under fire for its nuclear cooperation with Iran, Russia is not keen to further rile the United States by increasing its arms sales to the Islamic regime and is instead seeking alternate customers, they said.

The fighter deal with Malaysia was first announced in May after talks here between Defence Minister Najib Razak and his Russian counterpart Sergei Ivanov. Najib said then the Su-30MK combat aircraft, expected to be delivered from mid-2006, would be modified with “suitable weaponry” to meet Malaysia's requirements and were hence renamed Su-30MKM. Ivanov said the value of the contract was “tentatively 900 million dollars.”

The Su-30MKM will join Russian-made MiG-29Ns, US-made FA-18/Ds and British-made Hawks in Malaysia's combat aircraft fleet, officials said.

Apart from the deal for the supply of SU-30 MKM combat aircraft, the two states also signed agreements on cooperation in science and technology, as well as in information communications technology.


Space Cadet
Dabei seit
Original geschrieben von René

Najib said then the Su-30MK combat aircraft, expected to be delivered from mid-2006, would be modified with “suitable weaponry” to meet Malaysia's requirements and were hence renamed Su-30MKM. Ivanov said the value of the contract was “tentatively 900 million dollars.”

Gemäss "Military Technology 10/2003" soll die malayische SU-30MKM primär auf der indischen SU-30MKI basieren, die für Luft-Luft, Luft-Boden und auch Luft-See Einsätze geeignet ist. Der Hauptunterschied zur indischen Version soll in der Avionik liegen. Die Avionik der indischen Version basiert auf indischen, russischen, französichen und israelischen Elementen. Als moslemischer Staat ist es aber unmöglich, israelische Waffensysteme einzukaufen, daher müssen diese durch andere Systeme ersetzt werden.


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